BISC 1112- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 17 pages long!)

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Learn that selection acts on phenotypes to affect gene frequencies. Understand what factors change gene frequencies besides selection. Calculate hardy-weinberg equation and know conditions for hw equilibrium. Though natural selection acts on individuals and their phenotypes. Bill size change measured in finch will provide evolutionary change if. Frequency of alleles affecting it changes in population. Microevolution: focusing on evolutionary change in populations (evolution on the smallest scale) Natural selection: only one that consistently increases adaptations. Genetic drift: chance events that alter allele frequencies. Gene flow: the transfer of alleles b/w populations. Genetic variation: differences among individuals in the composition of their genes or other dna. 23. 1: genetic variation makes evolution possible sequences; reflected in phenotypic variations; measured in two ways: Whole-gene level (gene variability): average percentage of loci that are heterozygous. Molecular level of dna (nucleotide variability): don"t result in phenotypic differences often because many differences occur in introns. Measured by comparing the dna sequences of pairs of individuals.