PHIL 1062 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thrasymachus, Glaucon, Tyrant

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Philosophy and film midterm: real time homework assignment, watch 45 minutes of a movie, apply however many bullets points the prof decides to the movie (sheet) 10 goals of life: plato, republic book i and ii, act justly, cephalos, polemarchos, thrasymachus definitions of justice, socrates refutation of each, cephalos: oldest guy in the room, rich. Wrong: return a weapon to a friend who is not in his right mind: polemarchos, justice= good to friends and harm to your enemy = to give each man what is proper to him . Wrong: people get mistaken on who is friend and who is enemy, i. e. who is just and who is not. Example: when you injure you make things worst justice cannot make men worse, like music cannot make ppl unmusical: thrasymachus, justice= interest of the strongest b/c the governments always act in their own interest.