PSC 1003 Midterm: Midterm Study Guide_ International Politics

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18 Aug 2019

Document Summary

Central authority that has the ability to make and enforce laws, rules, and decisions within its territory. Sovereign states main actors in international politics. There is no legal authority higher than the state. Idea that states have ultimate political and legal authority within their own borders. Actors adopt policies that make at least one actor better off without making any other actor worse off. No incentive to defect once agreement is reached. Specific type of collaboration problem = use of public goods (ex: clean air, clean water, national defense). Collective action problems arise because everyone wants to benefit from public goods without having to bear the costs of them leads to free riders . Linkage - threaten cooperation in other issues. Redistributive; zero-sum game because what one actor gains, the other loses. The reversion outcome = what happens if no bargain is reached. Alternatives of reaching bargains with other actors.