BSC 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Homeostasis, Spiny Lizard, Persistent Organic Pollutant

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Document Summary

Study guide exam #1: introduction, evolution for ecology, The aim of this study guide is exactly as its name suggests: to guide your study. It is not a replacement for notes from lectures and assigned readings. It should be used to complement those materials in order to build up a solid foundation of knowledge and understanding. This study guide gives an indication of the level of questions that you should be able to address, but it is not fully inclusive. Be ready to explain relevant concepts and representative examples, but also be prepared to apply these concepts to novel situations. Ideally, you should write out answers for the following questions, and make sure that you can explain things well. Think of general patterns that you are describing both proximately (mechanistic) and ultimately (evolutionary). Exam 1 will comprise of 20 multiple choice (3. 5pts ea) and 3 short answer/essay/quantitative questions (10pts ea).