COM 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Groupthink, Stephen Toulmin, Ad Hominem

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30 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Group of people who interact with one another for a common purpose. Synergy when a group is more successful than any individual in it. Groupthink when the group is more concerned about getting the task done and not done right interdependent the work of the group is affected by each person. Group norms (implicit, explicit) unstated rule/ expected behavior. Accommodation-do what the other person says just to get it done. Compromise-put both ideas together and find a solution(meet in the middle) Ethnocentrism judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one"s own culture. Listening helps you accomplish tasks through understanding, recall, feedback, decision making, and problem solving. Hearing is the term used when sound enters your ear. Hurier model hearing, understanding, remembering, interpreting, evaluating, responding. Types of listening (discriminative, comprehensive, appreciative, empathetic, critical) Comprehensive- attempt to understand a message for a certain reason. Empathetic- put ourselves in the other persons situation and feel for the person.