RELIG 205 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dharma, Saṃsāra (Buddhism), Rigveda

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Document Summary

Henotheism- several deities, but one is most important. Bhavacakra- the wheel of life aka samsara (buddhism) Twice born- members of the three hindu upper social classes eg. priests, warriors and merchants. Comprehensive approach- attempts to combine two or more partial approaches. Soma- both a god and thing allowed priests to enter trace/mystical states. Siddha-loka- liberation to the supramundane realm of the soul (jainism) Four truths for the spiritually noble- 1) all life is suffering 2) desire is the cause of suffering 3) to end suffering one must end desire 4) the eightfold path must be followed (buddhism) Digambaras- one historic branch of jainism (means sky cloud ) Bodhi- a buddhist follower who is not yet buddha. Kojiki- written in 712, chronicle of ancient events (shinto) Eightfold path- correct view, correct intentions, correct speech, correct discipline, correct livelihood, correct effort, correct mindfulness, correct concentration. Cosmology- the understanding of the shape, structure, and design of the universe.