CJUS-P 200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Concentric Zone Model, Informal Social Control, Social Disorganization Theory

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It may lead to conflicts between invading and retreating cultures. Concentric zone model / park & burgess (1920s: based on early plant/animal ecology models (invasion; dominance; succession, studied city of chicago, argued that cities grow outward from center; competition for land development of natural areas (ex. Inner-city violent subcultures may have historical roots in southern culture of honor . Live in the worst parts of the city. Resort to violence as a way to survive. Likely to be a victim of violence. Parents use punitive discipline to prepare kids for the world. In mechanical society law functions to enforce conformity of the group: state of anomie (normlessness) caused by rapid social change. Merton"s anomie : a loss of regulatory social controls or state of normlessness , ex. Social structure: social structure includes, social stratification and resource allocation. Cultural structure: cultural structures include, shared goals and social norms regulating behaviors.