Political Science POLS-Y 103 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act, Unitary State, Implied Powers

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In june 2012, the supreme court upheld the health care act in a 5-4 decision. a. The federal government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance . the federal government does have the power to impose a tax to those without health insurance. American political system is a federal system, divided between national and state governments (separate yet indivisible). a. 1787- federalism invented to maintain preexisting american states while establishing an effective central government. b. Great britain, france, and japan. c. federal systems may differ in how they distribute power between state and national governments. U. s. federal system grants lawmaking powers to the states except in national defense and currency: u. s. - national government has greater authority over commerce than in. Canada: in federal systems, the national legislature has two chambers. One apportioned by population (u. s. house of representatives) and the other by geographical area (u. s. senate).