Sociology SOC-R 100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Breaching Experiment, Inside Out Music, Ethnocentrism

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How might explanations of substance abuse differ depending on whether they take an outside in or inside-out perspective: what is the sociological imagination? , two major perspectives in sociological theory are functionalism and conflict theory. Groups and networks: sociologist know that size matters for understanding the dynamics of a group, no matter what type of group it is. In other words, if you drew a social network, what two types of elements would the drawing include: research by mark granovetter finds the strength of weak ties when it comes to finding a job. Social networks and social influence: as christakis and fowler discuss, the social organizations of a group matters. Explain the difference between a bucket brigade and a telephone tree. Why: along similar lines, how is the military squad organized and for what purpose, christakis and fowler offer five rules of social networks.