HTH 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bupropion, Acetaldehyde, Miscarriage

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7 May 2018
Body Image & Eating Disorders
Body image -- how you see yourself in your mind, what you believe about your
appearance, and how you feel about your body
Woman + Body Image
Females encouraged to define themselves in terms of their bodies
Females portrayed as objects of desire
Since 50s, ideal body is much thinner
Belief in thin ideal and body dissatisfaction can lead to eating disorders
Effects of Puberty:
Eating disorders most likely develop during adolescence
Men + Body Image:
Less affected by cultural expectations and media
Expected to be muscular
Body Dysmorphic Disorder -- psychological disorder characterized by obsession
w/one’s appearance and a distorted view of one’s body or with a minor or imagined than
in appearance
More likely to develop depression, OCD, eating disorders
Muscle Dysmorphia -- subset of this condition
Exercise excess, body art, cosmetic surgery
Breast augmentation has been #1 cosmetic procedure since 2006, 12 years
Silicone or saline
Compulsive Exercise Disorder -- compulsion to engage in excessive amounts of
exercise and feelings of guilt and anxiety if the level of exercise is perceived as
Anorexia athletics
Used to gain a sense of control
Female Athlete Triad: Disordered eating patterns, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis
Eating Disorders -- psychological disorder characterized by severe disturbances in body
image and eating behaviors
Anorexia and bulimia
Borderline Disordered Eating:
More common and widespread than eating disorders
Binging and purging, laxative abuse
Disordered Eating and Factors:
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Social pressures; importance of thinness, Family history, Gender, Media
Low self-esteem; need for power and control
Anorexia Nervosa: Food restriction, self-starvation, or extreme exercise to achieve
weight loss and distorted body image
Most serious
Cold intolerance, low bp, Amenorrhea, CVD
Highest death rate of any psychiatric disorder
Bulimia Nervosa: -- Binge-eating followed by purging measures or compensatory
behavior, such as vomiting or excessive exercise, to prevent weight gain
Distorted body image
Purging -- self-induced vomiting, laxatives, etc.
Inflammation of esophagus
Wear of enamel of teeth
Binge-Eating Disorder -- gorging on food 1+ times a week, but not purging
Related to obesity
Cardiorespiratory disease
Sleep apnea
Treating Eating Disorders:
Most negative health concerns are reversible
Not osteoporosis
Early intervention, lower incidence of behaviors, support from family, lack of
diagnosis of psychological problems
First Step: recognize problem
Next Step: behavioral modifications (counseling)
Psychoactive drug: alters brain chemistry
Moderate Drinking = 2 drinks/day for men; 1 for women
Low-risk drinkers = <= 14 drinks/wk for men; 4/day
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Or <= 7/wk for women; 3/day
More than these amounts = at-risk drinkers
Binge drinking = brings BAC to .08 or higher
Males = 5+ drinks in 2 hours; females = 4+ drinks in 2 hours
Native Americans and Alaska Natives:
Native Americans have 2x alcoholism rate and 8x death rate
Nature of Alcohol:
Psychoactive ingredient = ethanol (ethyl alcohol)
Beer (brewed grains): 3-6% alcohol
Alc + malt liquor: 6-8% alcohol
Wine (fermented grape): 12% alcohol
Hard liquor (distilling brewed/fermented grains): 35-50% alcohol
Proof value: 2x the % concentration (50% alcohol = 100 proof)
Standard Drink -- 0.6 oz. alcohol
Alcohol Absorption:
20% absorbed in stomach
80% absorbed in small intestine
Higher absorption if: smaller body size, higher age, drug interaction, etc.
Alcohol is CNS Depressant = lower respiration, hr, bp
BAC of 0.03%-0.05% = first effects felt with light headaches
Metabolism -- chemical transformation into energy and wastes
2 enzymes in liver:
Alcohol dehydrogenase
Converts alcohol into toxic acetaldehyde
Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase
Breaks acetaldehyde into acetate
Genetic variation causes flashing syndrome - Increased hr, respiration, nausea, hives
Alcohol is absorbed faster than it is metabolized
Metabolism rate - 0.5oz/hour, or 1 standard drink
Same awake or asleep
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) -- ratio of alcohol to total blood volume
Liver Disease:
Fatty liver -- liver swells with fat globules
Alcoholic hepatitis -- inflammation of the liver
Cirrhosis -- scarring of the liver
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Document Summary

Body image -- how you see yourself in your mind, what you believe about your appearance, and how you feel about your body. Females encouraged to define themselves in terms of their bodies. Since 50s, ideal body is much thinner. Belief in thin ideal and body dissatisfaction can lead to eating disorders. Eating disorders most likely develop during adolescence. Less affected by cultural expectations and media. Body dysmorphic disorder -- psychological disorder characterized by obsession w/one"s appearance and a distorted view of one"s body or with a minor or imagined than in appearance. More likely to develop depression, ocd, eating disorders. Muscle dysmorphia -- subset of this condition. Breast augmentation has been #1 cosmetic procedure since 2006, 12 years. Compulsive exercise disorder -- compulsion to engage in excessive amounts of exercise and feelings of guilt and anxiety if the level of exercise is perceived as inadequate. Used to gain a sense of control.