HTH 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sexual Penetration, Sexualization, Ehrlichiosis

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For a disease to occur in a person: An agent capable of transmitting a disease must be present. The environment must be hospitable to the pathogen in terms of temperature, light, moisture, and other requirements. Immunity: a condition of being able to resist a disease by counteracting the substances that produce it. Antigens: any substance that is capable of triggering an immune response. Antibodies: a blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen. Humoral immune response: body"s major defense against many bacteria and the poisonous substances they produce, called toxins. Lymphocytes: population that develops and attacks the foreign invader (small are. Macrophages: white blood cells within tissues that digest cellular debris and pathogens to allow the creation of more lymphocytes that can respond to the pathogen. Reservoir: can be a person, animal, or an environmental component. Vectors: carrier of the pathogen from one host to another. Pathogens enter through the skin only when cracks or breaks occur.