BIOL 2221- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 39 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

White matter characteristics spinal cord: symmetry, somatopy, relay, and decussation. First order= cell bodies in ganglia- sensory neurons from cutaneous receptors. Third= bodies in thalamus-relay impulses to somatosensory cortex. Lower motor neuronsventral horn lower groups of descending tracts. Indirect all other motor neuron pathways from cortex and brain stem. Expressive can comprehend speech but cannot reproduce speech or communicate properly broca"s area affected. Receptive can speak fluent, properly structured sentences that have no meaning, wernicke"s area. Conduction fluent speech with errors, poor speech repetition arcuate fascicilus non-language dominated area= nonverbal speech. Nucleus- collection of neuronal cell bodies in the cns. Cerebrum- intellect, interprets sensory inputs, controls skeletal muscles. Memory and emotion integration of autonomic nervous system. Reflexes, relay of info. from cerebrum to cerebellum. Gray= short, nonmyelinated neurons and neuronal cell bodies white= myelinated and nonmyelinated axons. Hippocampus and amygdaloid body play roles in memory. -sends continuous stream of info. to cerebral cortex.