POLS 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Commerce Clause, Equal Protection Clause, Supremacy Clause

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Locate and explain the relevance of the enumerated powers: Enumerated powers are listed in article 1, section 8. These include the powers that are vested to congress. Congress may exercise the powers that the constitution grants it, subject to the individual rights listed in the bill of rights: the elastic clause. A statement in the u. s. constitution (article 1, section 8) granting congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper for carrying out the enumerated list of powers. It allows congress the power to create any laws it deems are necessary for the country. Helps to organize the government by giving congress influence over other branches of government. Also known as the necessary and proper clause: the supremacy clause. A clause within article vi (6), section 2 of the u. s. constitution which dictates that federal law is the supreme law of land .