BIOL 240 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Aphasia, Diencephalon, Spider Web

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Afferent vs efferent: afferent (sensory, originate in sensory receptors, respond to stimuli, travel to cns, efferent (motor, originate in cns, travel to an effector, muscle, gland. Sensory vs motor: divided by region, somatic body region, sensory, somatic sensory, hearing and vison, proprioception (detecting amount of stretch in muscles, skin, everything else, motor, somatic motor, voluntary nervous system, visceral body region. Innervates skeletal muscle to produce contraction: sensory, visceral sensory, taste and smell, hunger, anything to do with the visceral organs, motor, visceral motor (autonomic motor) Innervates cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands for contraction and secretion. What are the functions of the nervous system (sensory input, integration, motor output: sensory input, receptor that monitors stimuli inside and outside of the body. Integration: process, interpret, and assimilate experiences, motor output, respond with muscle contraction and glandular secretion. What is included in the cns: brain, spinal cord.