[BISC 132] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (75 pages long!)

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Biological taxonomy: science of classification of living things: common names can be misleading, binomial nomenclature-2 word naming, rules: always in italics or underlined, first word always capitalized, second word never capitalized, e. g. Bacteria, eukarya, and archaea things: archaea- single-celled microorganisms that live in extreme conditions a. i. More closely related to eukaryotes (by a common ancestor), but share characteristics with both bacteria and eukarya a. ii. Introns- intervening sequences in dna that are transcribed, but spliced out and not translated a. iii. Several characteristics in common with bacteria and with. Prokaryotes: pro- before, karyote- kernel, do not have a nuclear envelope, includes bacteria and archaea, is a cell type, not a domain. Iv. biological taxonomy: science of classification of living things: common names can be misleading, binomial nomenclature-2 word naming, rules: always in italics or underlined, first word always capitalized, second word never capitalized c. i. 20:15: characteristics: not considered living (not made of cells) Dna or rna in a simple protein shell a. ii.