[BIOL 2051] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (78 pages long)

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Macronutrient elements required in fairly large amounts. Micronutrient element or substance required in trace amounts for normal function of a cell: list all 10 macronutrients. Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, phosphorous, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium: give some examples of micronutrients. It contains an oxic layer at the top and an anoxic layer at the bottom: you inoculate the following organisms into tubes containing thioglycolate broth. Obligate aerobe all in the oxic layer. Obligate anaerobe all at the very bottom in the anoxic zone. Facultative aerobe more in the oxic zone, but many growing in the anoxic zone. Microaerophile in the anoxic zone, but close to the oxic zone. Culture medium must be oxygenated: allow exposure to air, vigorous shaking (250 rpm, bubble sterile air into the medium. Oxygen must be excluded from the culture medium: bottles/tubes completely filled with medium and sealed, use a reducing agent, anoxic jars or glove boxes. Superoxide dismutase/catalase obligate aerobes, facultative aerobes.