BIOL 4105 : Parasitology Exam 1

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Invades large intestine tissues, causing characteristic flask-shaped ulcers in gut mucosa. If develop deep ulcers, it can reach blood vessels and lymphatic vessels: caused by adjacent deep ulcers joining and undermining the overlying mucosal lining, only in dysentery, clinical disease: amebiasis. Intestinal: microscopy of stained fecal smears, tissue biopsy, stool antigen detection, extra intestinal, elisa- detects host antibody, ct scan, radiograph, fine needle biopsy of liver abscess, treatment. Parasitology exam i- amoebas, ciliates, hemoflagellates, and other flagellates: asymptomatic carriers: iodoquinol (cysticidal, symptomatic, flagyl or tindamax (static drugs, plus iodoquinol. Parasitology exam i- amoebas, ciliates, hemoflagellates, and other flagellates: once survival used these plus chloramphenicol. Acanthamoeba spp: distribution: worldwide, most common amoeba in soil water, morphology, trophozoites, cysts, transmission, entry points: eye, lung, and skin, niche: opportunist. Parasitology exam i- amoebas, ciliates, hemoflagellates, and other flagellates. Balantidium coli: distribution: worldwide, morphology, trophozoites, cysts, transmission: