GEOL 1003 : Geology Exam 3 Review

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15 Mar 2019

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For most elements, they are conservative in their total mass: they exist and cycle/ exchanges in different reservoirs. In flux in = flux out, the reservoir is stable, no change in volume. Increased global rate of weathering will sequester more carbon in marine limestone, causing the great drop in atmosphere co2 concentration: weathering rates are influenced by 1. The light gases were quickly lost to space: atmosphere came from within, degassing from hot liquid earth: gases escape from earth"s within to its surface, differed substantially from the air we breathe today. Iron source: conditions for early life, other planets such as, how did life arise on earth. So o2 failed to build up in the atm: evidence: bif, pyrite (fes2, unstable under higher levels of oxygen) in large amounts deposited in archean rocks. Lithosphere- geology: biosphere- life, atmosphere, 02 level great oxidation event (goe) climate, mesoproterozoic, paleoproterozoic, geology, atmosphere, climate.