HIST 1001 : Exam One Study Guide 1

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Study guide for first midterm exam: feb. 20. Make sure to bring a bluebook (large format). The exam will consist of three (3) parts: 10 points: map covering important sites in the ancient middle east: see study map on. 30 points: multiple choice & matching questions: multiple choice: questions based on your textbook reading. These questions will be very similar or identical to the questions in the connect quizzes you"ve been doing online: matching questions: important terms, dates, and concepts from the lectures. You will be asked to match the term with its correct definition. All the matching items will be terms we"ve seen in the powerpoints! Leonidas new kingdom kleos hydraulic civilizations (just examples. No guarantee that any of these will be on the test but some might be!) 60 points: short essays (two essays, each one worth 30% of the overall exam)