KIN 2500 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bone Marrow, Blood Doping, Bone

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Chapter 12: blood: the cardiovascular system consists of three interrelated components: blood, the heart, and blood vessels, blood transports various substances, helps regulate several life processes, and affords protection against disease, carries antibodies. Interstitial fluid bathes our body cells; blood constantly renews fluid: blood transports oxygen into the lungs, blood then transports the wastes to various organs, hematology study of blood. Functions of blood: transportation of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, hormones, heat, waste, regulation our ph, body temp. , water content in blood, protection immunity, against blood loss. Normal range for females is 38-46% & males is 40-54% (due to their testosterone levels) Anemia- absence or decrease in number of red blood cells. Formation of blood cells: except for lymphocytes, formed elements do not divide once they leave red bone marrow, pluripotent stem cells cells derived from mesenchyme; can develop into different types of cells.