MC 2000 : Mass Communications 2000 Exam 2

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

I film: the development of movies, the first movie makers (p 124-8) Leland stanford arranged a series of still cameras along a horse racetrack, which took pictures as the horse passed each camera. Invented the zoopraxiscope, machine for projecting slides onto a distant surface. Saw scientific and economical potential of zoopraxiscope (1888) William dickson was given task to develop a better projector. Understood that shooting numerous photos, then putting them in order, then redrawing the images was limiting. Combined celluloid roll film and kodak camera to make a motion picture camera that took 40 per second, known as kinetograph. Edison built the first motion picture studio near in lab in new jersey, known as black maria. Films were not projected instead run through a kinetoscope, a peep show device. Marked the beginning of commercial motion picture exhibition. 1895, patented their cinematographe, a device that both photographed and projected action.