SOCL 4461 : Exam Two Spring 2013 CRIM 4461

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Merton- anomie & relative deprivation aka: strain theory. Success goals-> means deficiency -> strain -> anomie -> crime. Also between anomie and success goals- they change their goals so they have the means. 3 def of stratification: uneven distribution of material conditions for existence and means by which these are produced, uneven distribution of currency of exchange. United states has highest number of rich people and 50 million in poverty. Structural standpoint explaining crime- societal framework has consequences. Change societal structure and you can change behavior. Balance between structure and individual freedom and choice; economy regulates transactions. Epigenes- on/off switches to certain genetic predispositions that won"t manifest in us but our children. Merton"s goal to describe group differences in criminal behavior using structural differences. East germany also experienced this rise in crime. Fraternal deprivation- relative deprivation and anomie felt among members of a large group when some of the group members aren"t doing well, even if most are doing well.