COM 339 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Informa, Jato

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Appreciate or be familiar with - be able to recognize the answer in mc. Know -be able to recall the answer in a fill-in-the blank, list-item, matching or true/false. Understand -be able to show your grasp of the material by discussing the concepts in an essay. Teams must decide what type of problem they are dealing with. A very common problem is the tendency to focus/obsess on type iii problems which waste time and energy. Asking why is the key to figuring out the type of problem and possible solution. Keep factoring down until you have something you can deal with (9) know the four decision-making approaches and the advantages and disadvantages of each: command, consult, majority. Disadvantages not the best for major decisions- esp for small groups can leave substantial minority unsatisfied/resentful: consensus. Requires willingness to experience temp disagreements and a commitment to listening carefully and win-win attitude.