[ANP 206] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 74 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

This course is intended to be a survey of theories, important themes, and research topics in physical anthropology. Science, evolution, and the history of physical anthropology. Study of humans of the past, present, and future. Anthropologists examine the ways in which biology and culture have changed through time and continue to change now since the first human ancestors. Methods and materials vary between sub-fields of anthropology. Anthropology answers questions about what it means to be human, where humans originated, and how humans got here. Lots of overlaps between archaeology and physical anthropology. Physical anthropology: deals with the evolution of humans, human variability, and adaptation to environmental stresses. Paleoanthropology:evolution of primates and hominids from the fossil record. Skeletal biology: clinical and anthropologicial study of anatomically modern humans to understand disease, bone and dental growth/development. Primatology: study of prosimians, monkeys, and apes to understand form, functions, and links to humans.