ANP 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mangaia, Cultural Anthropology, Androgyny

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Among some subarctic hunting cultures, a family with no sons might perform a transformation ceremony for a daughter selected to "be like a man. " As part of this ceremony, they tied dried bear ovaries to her belt to prevent menstruation and pregnancy. For these people, cultural features could be as important in determining the gender of a child as biology. Men in andalusia, spain generally view women as lustful. The important contribution of margaret mead"s coming of age in samoa was. To show that american ideas of adolescence were not universal. Hijras are born as men but undergo a surgical procedure to remove their genitals true. Take place in private, but with much public joking. Which of the following beliefs is typical of the sambia. The masculine cultural belief in spain that women"s lust is a threat to male honor and dignity is. Rooted in traditional christianity where the lustful woman is symbolized by eve as.