CJ 220 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Control Theory, Physiognomy, Temporal Lobe

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People commit crimes because they do not have social bonds. Social bonds: attachment feeling sensitivity and affection for others, commitment stakes we have in following the rules, involvement time as a restraint, belief what a person believes. Woman are controlled more then men, therefore the opportunity to commit crime is taken away. Attempt to explain why woman commit crime, and says families are more patriarchal, but as families move towards being matriarchal women are given more rights. Women commit less crime because they are controlled by men. He says in society we create groups, and label those groups deviant. Labeling occurs due to an act of deviance occurs, and as a result a label is applied to the individual. Then because of the label, person believes the label and continues being deviant. Looking glass self the way that you think others perceive you, act accordingly to that image. (self fulfilling prophecy)