CEP 470 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Totton And Eling, Cutaneous Condition, Independent Living

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Defines disability in the language of medicine, model of experts in control; strong in diagnosis and treatment. Standardized procedures allow different medical experts to arrive at the same diagnosis. Lacks attention to the individual"s environment and its focus on the individual. Disability is considered to be biological inferiority, malfunction, pathology, and deviance when compared with individuals without disabilities. Both the cause of the disability and the solution and treatment rest with the individual. Pathologizing, objectification, categorization, and the individualization of the disability. Theorizes that the functions of the individual influences the definition of disability. Ex: the professional pianist who has one finger amputated, The relationship between functioning and the individual is very specific to the individual. Currently, most functional models include work activities and activities of daily living (adls); and are therefore sometimes considered to be economic models. This model is closely related to the availability of assistive technology, also influenced by the role functions of society; i. e. job trends.