IBIO 408 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stratified Squamous Epithelium, Transitional Epithelium, Brush Border

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Brush border of microvilli or ciliated in some organs, may also possess goblet cells. Lining of gi tract, uterus, and uterine tubes. Looks multilayered; some not reaching free -surface; all touch basement membrane. Respiratory tract and portions of male urethra stratified epithelia. Range from 2 to 20 or more layers of cells. Only the deepest layer attaches to the basement membrane. Their daughter cells push toward the apical surface and become flatter as they migrate farther upward. Finally die and flake off exfoliation or desquamation types of stratified epithelia. Two kinds of stratified squamous epithelia kertanized and nonkeratinized. Multiple cell layers with cells becoming flat and scaly toward surface. Resists abrasion; retards water loss through skin; resists penetration by pathogenic organisms. Same as keratinized epithelium without the surface layer of dead cells. Nuclei are seen within cells at all levels. Two or more cell layers; surface cells square or round. Secretes sweat; sperm production and ovarian hormone production.