IAH 221C Study Guide - Final Guide: Organ Donation

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Quote: numerous problems of nonmaleficence are found in health care ethics today some involving blatant abuses of persons and others involving subtle and unresolved questions. Blatant examples of failures to act nonmaleficently are found in the use of physicians to classify political dissidents as mentally ill, thereafter treating them with harmful drugs and incarcerating them with insane and violent persons (bloch & reddaway, 1984) . Explanation: i found this quote to be troubling when i read it because, even though i"m aware it happens sometimes, it was still shocking and disappointing to hear that there have been instances of doctors abusing their power. I feel like you should be able to trust your doctor but after reading something like this it can cause people, including myself, to feel worried/cautious and to challenge their physician"s intent/practice. I learned how the principle of nonmaleficence has to do with not causing harm to others.