KIN 251 Study Guide - Final Guide: Motor Learning, Observational Learning, Mirror Neuron

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4 Feb 2020

Document Summary

*the final is cumulative so please refer to the midterm 1 and midterm 2 reviews for the first two- thirds of the course. This document only focuses on the last third of the material (i. e. the motor learning portion) Definition of motor learning three important criteria. Performance curves the law of practice. Use of transfer designs (transfer/retention tests) to distinguish learning from performance. Transfer of learning positive and negative transfer. Types of augmented feedback kr, kp and concurrent feedback. The guidance hypothesis avoiding dependence on feedback. Strategies to reduce dependence on feedback faded, bandwidth, summary feedback. Reducing negative effects of frequent feedback through subjective estimations. Distinguishing performance and learning (review with graphs) Effects of massed and distributed practice on performance and learning: why is distributed practice more effective. Constant practice: why is variable practice better at generalization. Blocked vs. random practice (low vs. high contextual interference: why is random practice more effective. Distinction between instructions and feedback (future v past)