[PSY 295] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (53 pages long!)

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We need data to answer questions about people. In this class, data will refer to numbers. Learning statistics is important for being a good psychologist/answering these questions. Doing stats yourself, or being able to understand what other people"s work. Statistics will help us improve our logic and reasoning skills. Reading other people"s published studies, or even popular media. Decide whether or not certain things are actually valid or as valid as the study tries to make them out to be. Branch of math dealing with organizing, analyzing, and reporting numbers. Examples: imagine the old world and a ship going across the ocean to the new world. Pretty much any question related to people can at least be partially answered by statistics. Generate an idea based on an observation (standing too close makes others uncomfortable) Form a hypothesis to explain the idea (theory of social norms about closeness)