SOC 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Peggy Mcintosh, Matriarchy, Masculinity

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Institutional discrimination ethnicity (p. 239: exploitation theory (p. 238, racial profiling, contact hypothesis (p. 239, genocide, segregation, apartheid, amalgamation, assimilation, pluralism, racial statistics from class lecture, black power, anti-semitism, symbolic ethnicity. Schaefer chapter 11: gender roles, homophobia, multiple masculinities, functionalist, conflict, feminist, and interactionist perspectives on gender (p. 267, expressiveness and instrumentality, matrix of domination, sexism, glass ceiling. 2: second shift, feminism, lecture on gender, sex, gender, gender identity, institutional bias, gender segregation, socialization (family, play/games, cultural messages, schools, cultural messages about gender. Interactionist perceptive on religion: individual religious expression through belief, ritual and experience: weberian thesis and protestant ethic, liberation theology, components of religion: beliefs, rituals, experiences, fundamentalism, ecclesia, denomination, sect, established sect, new religious movement (cult) Impact of social class on domestic violence, informal associations, formal association: social clique. Intergenerational mobility: outflow mobility and inflow mobility tables, wealth mobility, social mobility of women, circulation mobility, structural mobility, declining social mobility.