BIO_SC 2300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Western Blot, Actin, Southern Blot

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12 Sep 2017

Document Summary

This study evaluated whether uv damage and the skins natural mechanisms of inflammation and repair are also affected by circadian rhythm. We looked at uv-induced erythema on seven human subjects irradiated with simulated solar radiation in the morning (at 8:00 h) versus in the afternoon (at. Our data suggest that the same dose of uv radiation induces signficialty more inflammation ni the morning than in the afternoon. Changes in protein expression relevant to dna damage, such as xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group a (xpa), and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (cpd) from skin biopsies coorelated with our clinical results. Both xpa and cpd levels were higher after the morning uv exposure compared with the afternoon exposure. Erythema is redness of the skin or mucous membranes, caused by hyperemia ( increased blood flow) in superficial capillaries. Irradiation is the process by which an object is exposed to radiation.