BL_STU 2000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intellectual Freedom, Sophia Institute Press, Langston Hughes

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Introduction to black studies (fall 2010: reconstruction and segregation, civil war, understand reasons for the civil war, understand black participation/experience in the civil war, reconstruction, understand the challenges and ideals facing us after civil war. Rebuild southern economy on free labor: this was the only thing that reconstruction actually accomplished, politically weakening and changing south, protecting freed africans from harm. Integrating freed africans into american society: be able to identify key initiatives, amendments and acts. 15th amendment: gave blacks the right to vote, freedman"s bureau, set up schools for african americans, provide medical services, provide legal assistance with contracts, etc, get land and secure it for freed africans, resettle africans. 1871 civil rights act: outlawed segregation in public facilities and in jury duty. Richard pryor, comedy and contentious politics: understand thomas" lecture on pryor and discourse analysis. Pryor was associated with the black panthers and the black power party.