CHEM 1100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Global Warming Potential, Molar Mass, Lone Pair

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27 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Earth: should be 0 degree f, actual is 59 degrees f. Venus: should be 212 degrees f, actual is 840 degrees f. Heat is held in longer by co2 and h2o in the atmosphere. Co2 and h2o are the main components; and methane ch4. No change in water concentration in the atmosphere. Co2 is increasing especially since 150 years ago (industrial revolution) Good thing, needed for life otherwise planet would freeze. Early atmosphere (life started): 1000x more co2 than now. Bacteria used co2, make sugars; 6 co2 + 6h2o sugar + 6o2. Core samples from the ocean bacterial remains tell temperature. Magnetic alignment tells when (relate to earth"s magnetic core) More heavy water (composition of ice) = higher temperature. Trapped bubbles from the ice samples tell concentration of co2 when bubble formed. Our co2 is supposed to increase but not nearly as much as it has. Co2 and ch4 trap heat and do contribute to global warming.