H_D_FS 1610 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Online Dating Service, Agreeableness

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There"s some screening criteria; but limits ability to generalize representative sample: designing study, experimental uncovers cause of phenomenon randomly assigned groups a, control groups (someone to compare to) c. isolated variable manipulated by researcher. 3. bias a. volunteer bias faced in representative sampling; of the people invited to participate, those that chose to are different than those that don"t b. social desirability bias distortion results from peoples" wish to make good impressions on others c. self serving bias leads people to overestimate their responsibility for positive events in their relationship and to underestimate blame for bad times. Perceived personality matters more; how we think about our relationship matters more than how it actually is: demographics, attitudes/values (political leanings, religious beliefs, morals), personalities, attachment styles (initially, everyone is attracted to securely attached people but over time we are more comfortable with someone of our own style), when we like someone, we assume similarity and idealize them.