PSYCH 3870 Study Guide - Sleepwalking, Allan Hobson, Somniloquy

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Lesson 8: copy transfer issue on a few of the questions, please disregard any duplicates. How can most dreams be described: auditory and voluntary, visual and involuntary, auditory and involuntary, visual and voluntary. What percent of dreams occur in rem sleep: less than 25 percent, 30 40 percent, 50 percent, 80 90 percent. What happens to voluntary muscle tone during rem sleep: it increases significantly, it decreases dramatically, it increases in the arms and legs, it decreases in the heart muscle. Which of the following is a parasomnia that seems to be an extension of rem sleep: bruxism, sleep talking, night terrors, sleep paralysis. What did freud believe that interpretation of dreams reveals: deeply repressed unconscious motives, random meaningless signals, accurate predictions of future events, feelings based on the colors in the dream. According to hobson, what produces dreams: deeply repressed unconscious motives, random meaningless signals, accurate predictions of future events, feelings based on the colors in the dream.