[SOCIOL 1650] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (48 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Conflict- karl marxx: labeling and learning- howard becker, e. lemert. Identifying and testing the conceptual frames that surround the study of deviance: concepts, learn under paradigm; test it, illustrate, support, challenge, examples, case studies and stories that embody facets of the concepts. What characteristics led to the behavior defined as deviant? . What is deviant behavior: in violation of a norm or standard (normative, whatever society reacts against, while whatever society doesn"t react against escapes being deviant (reactivist) Access to roles: ascribed statuses: born with, have no control over, achieved statuses: must work to gain and have some control whether or not you retain them, job, education, etc. When does deviance become relative based on role or status: deviance is not just the individual. Interests are being served by/through deviance: marx. Escalation: rule-breaking is encouraged: the more control, the more rules are broken, non-enforcement: rule- breaking is conditionally allowed.