EAES 104 Study Guide - Final Guide: National Climatic Data Center, National Hurricane Center, Natural Disaster

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Hurricane katrina was a devastating event that occurred along the central gulf coast states. It destroyed houses and businesses, flooded everything on land, and killed many people. You hear the meteorologists explaining of a tropical depression forming in the southeast of the bahamas. Within 2 days, it got stronger and stronger being a tropical storm then a hurricane. It hit states like florida, louisiana, mississippi and alabama. The damages i saw on the news from the reporters films were unbelievable. I had never seen anything that demolished until i saw these towns being shown on live t. v. On august 23, 2005, hurricane katrina started off as a tropical depression in the southeast. Bahamas but did not stay that way for too long because the following day, it was a tropical storm moving northwest through the bahamas. By august 25, it had reached the south of florida, gaining strength in the water to lead up to a category 1 storm.