HI 102 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Indulgence, Ninety-Five Theses, Scientific Revolution

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Chapter 16 learning guide religion and science. Main idea 1 christianity stayed in europe at the beginning of the early modern era. This included the beliefs that the bible should be up to your own interpretation and the fact that god could be your only true authority. It also expressed the idea that everybody should be of equal merit and gave opportunities to middle class urban dwellers. The reformation caused a massive schism in the catholic christian world and caused social, political, and economic tensions along with religious differences. Christianity: martin luther - definition, martin luther, o. s. a. was a german professor of theology, composer, priest, and monk, and a seminal figure in the protestant reformation. Luther came to reject several teachings and practices of the roman catholic church: significance, started the protestant reformation by challenging the ideals of the church, what caused the reformation (you might need to look this up online.