PSY 200 Final: Test #2 Review

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Pavlov"s dogs - they started salivating at the sound of the bell as they expected food. Any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs because of experience: know what these four terms mean: Unconditioned stimulus (us) a stimulus that is not learned (smell of food) Unconditioned response (ur) a neutral stimulus that is paired with the unconditioned stimulus (the bell) a reflexive response (salivation to smell of food) If a response is followed by a reward, it will be strengthened. Absolute and difference: explain what the two types of thresholds are. Absolute - smallest amount of energy a person can detect (the lowest sound you can hear on a hearing test) Difference - smallest difference in stimulation when two things are compared (if i add one skittle to five skittles, you would notice. Sensation is what is physically happening while perception is how we interpret it: know the anatomy of the eye. Opening of the eye to let light in.