PSY 376 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Learning Theory, Observational Learning, Trait Theory

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Biologically based sexual instincts motivate behavior and steer development through five psychosexual stages. 3 components of personality: id(impulsive), ego(rational) and superego(morals). Defense mechanisms: devices used unconsciously by the ego to defend against anxiety (repression, regression, identification). Strengths: called attention to unconscious and early experiences. Personality: normative changes, age specific changes, biological maturation. As illustrated by observational learning and human agency. Observational learning: learn through watching the construction of mental representations and retrieval to guide behavior. Reinforcement/punishment: more or less likely to perform a behavior. Adapt behavior to fit the context we are in. Gender: gender roles learned through the same processes as other behaviors. Clear patterns of differential reinforcement: quick labeling and strong sex-appropriate/typed preferences. Observational learning: imitate same sex individuals seen in media and real life. Less aware of stereotypes when not exposed to traditional gender roles at home. Differential reinforcement: children rewarded for sex-appropriate behaviors and punished for inappropriate behaviors.