BALW20150 Final: Cumulative Review Part 37

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Chapter 3: steps in a typical lawsuit, 1. Plaintiff commences lawsuit by filing complaint: alleges facts and shows that court has personal and subject-matter jurisdiction, 3. Defendant notified of lawsuit through serving of process and summons requiring them to appear in court: 4. Defendant"s lawyer files answer to complaint or motion to dismiss. Motion for judgement on the pleadings these are the complaint and answer taken together, so this is a request to end case there on the pleadings and no need for trial. If no decision made on pleadings, then continue with the trial: pretrial motions, aka dispositive motions, include, 1. Motions to dismiss: asking for the court to dismiss a case for the reasons stated in the motion, defendant usually requests, 2. Motions for judgment on the pleadings: asks for the court to decide the issue solely on the pleadings without proceeding to trial, 3.