BIOS 10106 Study Guide - Final Guide: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Insulin Pump, Angiogenesis

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So many people have these, but we can stop them with the drugs that we have. Fecal oral transmission as people pick up the eggs in the soil. Decreases growth (height and weight) and decrease cognitive cause malnutrition. Worms do not block, but they secrete chemicals that suppress the appetite counterintuitive because you would think that you would eat more when you have a worm. Whipworm: causes rectal prolapse people try so hard to get the worms out that they actually poop out their rectum. Roundworm: the worm literally gets pooped out, can kill people. Hookworm: drinks blood so causes internal bleeding, deadliest, can cause anemia. Science concept= hygiene hypothesis: idea= some of these so called pathogens/parasites have evolved with us coevolved with humans. We live too cleanly so we do not get exposed to dangerous diseases and viruses so our immune system is looking around for things to attack.