BAET 20300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Legal Liability, Value Chain, Due Diligence

38 views3 pages
3 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 1: briefly defines some key concepts used in the guiding principles: actual human rights impact: An adverse impact that has already occurred or is occurring: adverse human rights impact: Occurs when an action removes or reduces the ability of an individual to enjoy his or her human rights: business relationships: Refers to relationships a business enterprise has with business partners, entities in its value chain and any other non-state or state entity directly linked to its business operations, products or services: complicity: Ongoing management process that a enterprise needs to undertake, in the light of its circumstances to meet its responsibility to respect human rights: gross human rights abuses: No uniform definition in international law but generally includes: genocide, slavery, executions, torture, enforced disappearances, and systematic discrimination: human rights and international crimes: Some of the most serious human rights violations may constitute international crimes: human rights risks: