BAET 20300 Study Guide - Final Guide: United Nations Human Rights Council, Due Diligence

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3 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Joined with respect for human dignity and pursuit of common good, they can offer more specific guidance on the three broad business objectives. Meeting the needs of the world through the creation and development of. A discernment checklist for the business leader: summary. In june 2011 the un human rights council endorsed the guiding principles on business and human rights. Do not constitute legally binding document, but elaborate on existing standards and practices. The un protect, respect and remedy framework: 3 pillar framework consists of: The need for greater access to remedy for victims of business-related abuse. The guiding principles reflect and build on the 3 pillar structure with 31 principles. Interpretive guide created to ensure effective implementation of principles. Chapter 1: briefly defines some key concepts used in the guiding principles: actual human rights impact: An adverse impact that has already occurred or is occurring: adverse human rights impact: