BAET 20300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sustainable Development Goals, Social Capital, United Nations General Assembly

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3 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Investing in tomorrow"s well-being starts today: 2 defining moments at the end of 2015, agreement on the final set of sustainable development goals at the un. General assembly in new york the cop21 meeting in paris-an opportunity for global leaders to take action to address the risks of climate change. How"s life? report launched in 2011 that summarizes an extensive range of well-being indicators documents well-being today and offers glimpse of future well- being prospects does so by looking at 3 key areas: 1. Considers stocks of natural, human, social and economic resources: 2. documents well-being outcomes for children, 3. Offers special focus on volunteer, which is a key form of investment in social capital. Every country has room to improve on well-being: no country has it all, striking finding: countries with similar levels of gdp per capita can have very different well-being outcomes. Outlines importance of a variety of factors beyond gdp.