MGT 20200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hindsight Bias, Machiavellianism, Reinforcement

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Mgt20200 principles of management exam 1 study outline spring 2016. This outline is meant to help guide your study for the first exam; it is not comprehensive. As noted on the syllabus, all material in the class could be tested including lectures, text and supplemental readings, class activities, assignments, etc. Please refer to the syllabus for further details about what to expect. 1 & 2: definition and common characteristics of organizations, what is management (4-part definition), process and getting things done effectively and efficiently with and through other people. Four management functions: planning, organizing, leading, controlling, roles that managers play (according to mintzberg, interpersonal roles. Z x and z y (omitted variable problem) 1: attribution theory and making judgments about others. Limited information: heuristics, group versus individual decision-making (advantages and trade-offs, role of emotion in decision-making. 2: organizational behavior what is it, and why is it sometimes challenging to study in the workplace, attitudes, components of, cognitive, affective, behavioral implications.