SOC10722 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Emotional Expression, Grounded Theory, Ingratiation

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26 Jan 2016

Document Summary

The first midterm will cover the following concepts and topics. All content comes from the readings or class presentations. Reality is affected by culture and what people do. We do what others do, what is socially acceptable and that makes up reality. Society shapes what people think of reality. Three forms of mindlessness in everyday behavior: automatic behavior, acting from a single perspective, decreasing prejudice by increasing discrimination. Those at top of hierarchy more credible than those at bottom. The strengths and weaknesses of the four major research strategies. Based on evidence available to the senses. Valid: based on evidence available to the senses, all research is observation, follows standard procedures, fully describes the methods used, can be replicated, measurement validity, generalizability, casual relationships. Agents of socialization: who does the socializing: family, peers, schooling, media, neighborhood, extended social networks (parents" friends, public, religious institutions, workplace. Processes of socialization: how does it happen: underlying characteristics, conditioning: