[SOC 30902] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 29 pages long Study Guide!

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Both men and women tend to value men more highly. Antifeminism can function as prejudice to distort experience and perception. Study: investigate the operation of perceptual distortion in reflecting the prejudice toward women prejudice of women toward women in the areas of intellectual and professional competence: subjects: female undergraduates. However, by convenience taught at women"s college: preliminary step: normative data regarding occupational fields and whether these were for men or women choose articles regarding these fields. Articles: 3 female authors and 3 male authors: steps: Only changed the sex of the author: deception was maintained at the beginning, once experiment finished participants were told the reason behind experiment, results: City planning (field high male association) male article more highly valued. For other articles were in predicted direction but didn"t reach conventional levels of statistical significance. Final results: hypothesis of tendency of women evaluation more highly the work of men was supported.